TED has to be one of the most senior of our volunteers – and is also one of the most regular, usually found behind the bar on a Sunday evening.
He’s lived in the village since 1962 – since when our youngest volunteers’ parents were in nappies! – and has seen every change happen to the pub. It’s always been a traditional pub – and he’s always supported it.
I asked him about some of his memories:
“It was most interesting in the early 80s, when Philip and Carol had it. He was Scottish, and we used to have the Highland Games, and Burns Night. He used to have the haggis shipped down by train from Aberdeen, and go and meet it at the station.” (There is apparently a newspaper article of Patrick piping the haggis home at the station – if anyone has a copy, we’d love to see it! – Ed)
“Why I became a volunteer is very simple – I don’t want the pub to shut! I’d had some experience behind the bar; I used to help Jean, and I actually ran it for a fortnight in 1986, including over a bank holiday. I remember we ran out of lettuce for sandwiches, and I had to supply some from my garden.
And I also used to do the garden for Jean, and all the hanging baskets, so I’ve just carried on with that.
I love being behind the bar, and meeting people. That’s the whole point, really, getting to know people in the village.”
I asked what difference having the pub as a community-owned one has made.
“Well, a lot more of the village know each other now. You might have seen someone go past with a dog and say hello, but you’d never stop and chat. The pub brings the whole village together.”
And Ted’s top tip for a better pint?
“Always drink out of a tankard – the condensation keeps the beer colder.”
Thanks, Ted – we hope you’re enjoying the beer, keeping the garden beautiful, and helping behind the bar, for a good long time to come!
UPDATE 24/9/24: Sadly, after a period of deteriorating health, Ted finally died on 10th September 2024. The end of an era certainly for the Case and for all those who had listened to his stories about the village and the pub in bygone days. We will retain this page as a memento and thank him for his sterling support as both volunteer and customer over the years.