Some of our customers are aiming to get a reading group together, of like-minded people who are interested in discussing with others the books they are reading, and extending the range of authors and genres they are familiar with.
The group will meet once a month at The Case, starting Thursday 14 August at 7:30.
The will discuss the previous month’s book – what they thought of it, how easy was the plot to follow, favourite characters, etc. All while sampling the pub’s fine beverages!
Don’t worry if you haven’t been to a book club before – you don’t have to sign your life away. It’s just an informal get-together where you can say as much or as little as you want. If a book really gets under your skin, this could be the perfect medium to express why. And if you’ve got a glass of wine or beer in your hand – all the better!
If you are interested in joining the group please email Dale at, who will keep you up-to-date with the latest developments.