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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Book Fair: 29th April 2023

    Posted on April 9, 2023 by in Events

    Book Fair Poster

    Each year the Case selects a ‘charity of the year’ to support for fund raising activities. Our last such charity was the St Elizabeth Hospice which we are pleased to say we were able to raise over £2,500 for. From April 2023, we will be supporting The Samaritans of Ipswich and East Suffolk. To launch the 2023 year, we will be hosting a Book Fair on the 29th April 2023.

    The event will be run inside the pub itself and give you the opportunity to purchase second-hand books and to listen to a local author who will give a talk about their work. They will also be offering their own books for sale. The bar will be open from 11am to 4pm. We will also be serving sweet and savoury light lunch bites between 12 and 2pm, including sausage rolls, short bread and chocolate muffins. Tea and coffee will also be available.

    There will also be a raffle with prizes as follows, kindly donated by Tescos:

    • A £25 gift card.

    • A box of Tesco Finest Belgian Biscuit selection.

    • A box of Tesco Finest Belgian Chocolate.

    The timetable for the event is:

    Time Activity
    11:00 Pub Opens
    11:15 Henry Baker and the Magic Pencil –
    A story for children under 10 by the author: 15 mins
    12:00 – 14:00 Food Available
    14:30 Sheriff and Priest –
    A talk for adults by the author: 10 mins
    16:00 Pub Closes

    Whilst The Samaritans have an international profile, the local Ipswich area is run as a separate charitable trust raising funds in and offering help to its local community. In this way the Samaritans can plan resources to match the local area. Support is offered at all times unconditionally to anyone.

    All profits from the second-hand book sale, raffle and the food sales will go directly to the charity.

    Please note that although the Book Fair finishes at 4pm and the pub closes then, it will open again at 6pm in readiness for the Quiz Night that starts at 8pm. This Quiz will also be run in support of our new chosen charity, The Samaritans of Ipswich and East Suffolk.

    UPDATE 29/5/23: See the post Our Charity of the Year Launch for info on the funds raised by this event. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

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