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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Garden Party: 14th July 2024

    Posted on July 7, 2024 by in Events

    Garden Party PosterOn Sunday 14th July we will be holding our annual Garden Party from 3pm to 5pm. The bar will be open 12pm to 6pm. There will be cakes and savouries, tea and coffee, games and competitions. During the afternoon there will also be live music from John Campbell and Friends.

    Entry is free but tickets, which will be available from the shop and the pub, will entitle you to a free cuppa and gives us an indication of likely numbers.

    smiley face

    And, for a bit of fun, why not wear a hat – lots of people will. The more extravagant, outlandish or unusual, the better, but it’s entirely up to you.

    Donations of home baked cakes and savouries will be warmly welcomed. Please bring them to the pub after 9am on the day.

    All profits from this event will go to our charity of the year, which is the Alzheimer’s Society.

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