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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Indian Food: 14th Sept 2024

    Posted on August 16, 2024 by in Events

    On Saturday 14th September we will again be welcoming mobile food vendor Suffolk Spice Fusion to the Case. They are a local authentic Indian street food business and will be serving their delicious flavours of Northern India from their kiosk in the pub car park between 5.00pm & 8.00pm. Get a take-away or eat in the pub as we will already be open for an afternoon of fun and games as part of our Children’s Party, Of course, families will be welcome. Pre-orders are preferred but walk-ups accepted.

    The food will be served in take-away containers with disposable utensils. If you eat in the pub, we’ll supply napkins and disposable place-mats. If you wish to, by all means bring along your own cutlery if you prefer not to use disposable utensils. At the end of your meal, simply dump your debris in the bins provided. A provisional menu is shown below. More info about Suffolk Spice Fusion is available on their Facebook page or Instagram. You can pre-order from them via Whats App on 07931 887293.

    Suffolk Spice Fusion Menu

    Suffolk Spice Fusion Provisional Menu

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