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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning: 28th Sep 2019

    Posted on September 5, 2019 by in Events

    We will be holding our second Macmillan coffee morning at the Case from 10am to 12-ish (or whenever the cake runs out) on Saturday 28th September 2019. If you’re doing the rounds of the Bentley Garage Sale that day, why not pop in for refreshments and to support this very worthwhile cause? All proceeds go to Macmillan Cancer Support.

    As well as coffee or tea there will be:

    • Home-made cakes

    • A raffle for a luxury hamper

    • Competitions.

    Donations of home-made cakes will be gratefully received. They may be left at the shop on Saturday morning or earlier if this is not possible.

    Come along and support Macmillan. You, or someone you know, might need them one day.

    UPDATE 30/9/19: The total raised for charity at this event was £1226.60. Thanks to all those who contributed.

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