Calling all artists!! We would like to invite anyone, young or old, in the village to create their own rainbow pictures to brighten up the fence outside The Case is Altered pub.
Since we took down the 5 year birthday banner it has looked quite boring especially as we won’t be putting any of our colourful umbrellas up just yet a while. The large home made NHS banner put up a few weeks ago needs some friends to cheer it up.
You can create your rainbow, on paper, in any way – poster paint, watercolours, acrylics, crayons, mosaic, collage, oil pastels, chalk, pointillist any thing you want really. Add your name (and age if you wish) if you could like it returned. Anything up to A3 and it can be laminated so the weather won’t ruin it. Leave your picture in the porch of Mimizan, Capel Road – the blue bungalow- and we’ll start brightening up the village with your fantastic work.
Thank you.