10:30 am: Coffee Morning
10:30 am to12:00 pm
ork on constructing “Bentley Stores” alongside The Case is Altered Pub has started, with builders constructing foundations, drains, and laying services to the new shop building.
The builders are trying to minimise problems in the carpark, but construction does take up some space. There is a small passageway between the pub and the building compound to allow access to the pub carpark.
Bentley Community Shop is run by a community interest company, which has leased some ground from the pub. Details of the Bentley Stores project can be found on their website, www.bentleystores.co.uk
The shop is planning to open in mid-July.
The shop committee will be holding open meetings, where they will discuss their plans and progress and answer any questions. The meetings will take place at Bentley Village Hall on:
Wednesday 30 March, 7:30 pm
Saturday 2 April, 10:30 pm