Well as opening day rushes towards us the many Elves of Pub Land continue to beaver away to get everything in place for next week. David Westley, to name but just one of our brave number of refurbishers, is wearing his new spring outfit themed on our new corporate colours courtesy of Dulux. Daily so many things are happening too numerous to mention now but if you look around our site you will see changes & significant ones at that; and there are still more to come!
So let’s turn to money issues for a moment. Investment & funding was effectively put on the back burner for a few weeks while more immediate issues were addressed. However pennies have now started to slowly dribble in. More important over the last few weeks we have received, in many cases for free, in others at very modest rates, an awful lot of support completing tasks requiring highly skilled people. This has saved us a small fortune. So to acknowledge some of this, albeit very modestly, we will raise the gift element of our fund raising target by £4k on Stewart’s board. This in no way reflects all of what we have received but is a gesture acknowledging some of the value clearing tasks that we will not incur again during the second phase of development next year. To add to that I can now report that we received another £1600 of investment money in the last two weeks and I understand there are still some more modest sums to come – so as usual watch Stewart’s board for updates.
Now it is a rare day when two charming young ladies turn up on my doorstep. Imagine my amazement when they then tell me they have been baking after which they subsequently went door to door selling their cakes in aid of ‘The Case’. Caitlin & Eloise presented me with £23.90 last Sunday which I think is tremendous & just shows how industrious some of our youngsters are & that this project has grabbed not
just old wrinklies like me but youngsters too-thank you girls! Another kind chap in the village also donated £50 in the week. So I am not going to tell you what we currently have but invite you to view Stewarts board.
Much of the fabric of The Case has been replaced, upgraded or repaired & then decorated. However the transformation goes further in that the whole internal decor will change including items like furniture etc. Which neatly brings me to the subject of garden furniture; we have on order conventional large timber (8 person) & smaller (6 person) garden benches combined with tables. We thought it might be the sort of item individuals may feel they would like to sponsor – perhaps in memory of a loved one or someone connected with The Case. Thought we could attach some sort of modest brass plate with agreed wording. Have no clear idea on the cost of these yet (maybe £100-£200) but give me a ring next week if you are interested (310 410) & we can move that forward.
So there we go I am going to keep this brief as another person is champing at the bit wanting some of our money. But by way of a parting shot remember we only got the keys to The Case on Tues 18th Feb just seven weeks & one day ago-what other village could turn a building in the state it was left around in that short time. So many thanks to the forty or so people who have rallied round & kept this whole project steadily moving forward.