Walk reviewed: 14/5/19
Instructions last updated: 16/5/19
Case Walk 1: OS Maps online
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This circular walk is approximately 4 miles around the outside edges of the village with links back to the centre like spokes of a wheel providing short cuts. Most of the route is off road with one short cross-field section, the walk has now become well established with wide paths and tracks and a variety of countryside to see. Unfortunately the Great Storm in 1987 cleared many of the trees and the efforts to replant will be seen on this walk.
Once you get started you will find the walk is well marked with yellow circular walk arrows and signposts to guide you in either direction around the circuit.
From the Case is Altered walk Northwards up Case Lane (WP1), past the entrance to the playing field and continue on to the footpath and then out into open country. The path soon becomes a track, and across the first field when you reach a signposted junction (WP2), turn left and follow the connecting track out to the Capel Road. NB. At time of writing this signpost is broken and is likely to be found propped up in the hedgerow. However the turning is currently marked by a large orange and white traffic cone.
Cross the road with care (WP3) and enter the path at the side of a large wooden gate, along a surfaced drive and then at the side of a wire fence (WP4) to reach a sunken lane. This is called Cut Throat Lane and I leave it to your imagination to decide why it got the name. Follow the old lane through the trees in the valley, straight across the junction of criss-crossing footpaths (WP5) ignoring any side turnings, and up into Holly Wood.
Continue through the woods on the wide track, bearing right when the riding track and the footpath merge (WP6) and bearing left after the wooden seat built around a tree (WP7). Turn left onto the footpath marked with a signpost (WP8), along the edge of the first field after the trees and out to the Bergholt Road. Turn right (WP9) to the three-way junction and then left along Hazel Shrub (WP10). On the right is Dodnash Wood, taking its name from the 12th century Augustine Priory that once existed in the adjoining valley.
Just before The Arbour (WP11) turn left on the bridleway across the field and then turn right in front of an oak tree on the footpath (WP12) and keep to the right of the hedge. Follow this path over three stiles and through two pastures, to emerge onto Grove Road (WP13). If a short cut is required turn left to return to the centre of the village. Otherwise, turn right and follow the road around a left bend, then at the next (right) bend, leave the road and continue straight ahead on the footpath to the left of the open field (WP14), along the rear of Silver Leys, and onwards (WP15) across an open field to reach Station Road (WP16). Take care as you join Station Road as it’s a large step down from the footpath through the hedge onto the road, there’s no pavement and emerging pedestrians can catch drivers by surprise.
Turn right, walk down the hill and cross the railway at the level crossing (WP17). Bentley Station was once a busy junction on the Great Eastern Railway serving the Hadleigh branch line. Opened in 1847 regular passenger and freight services ran to Capel St. Mary, Raydon and Hadleigh Stations. Passenger services ceased in 1932 and the line finally closed under the Beeching axe in 1965. The station once boasted branch line platforms, freight yards, footbridge and signal box. The crossing keeper’s cottage (on the left), the Station Master’s house (on the left after the crossing), and the Railway Tavern (on the right after the crossing) still remain as private houses.
Take the field-edge path on the left after the last house, Avilon (WP18). This path will lead you (via WP19 & WP20) to a stile to cross the railway (WP21), make sure you stop, look and listen before crossing the line as the trains travel at up to 100 m.p.h. on this section. The path continues (WP22) between fences up the hill towards Falstaff Manor. At the footpath signpost by a large oak tree turn left (WP23) and follow the track out to Church Road (WP24).
Cross the road and continue down Potash Lane, straight through Grove Farm (WP25) and out to the open fields. After the first bend follow the track and path back towards Case Lane (via WP26 & WP27) and the start of the walk at the Case is Altered.
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