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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Web Site Refresh: Jan 2023

    Posted on January 23, 2023 by in Admin

    This web site has recently undergone a modest refresh to align with our new post-Covid operations. You can read more about the pandemic’s impact on the Case on a new page within our History section: The Case Pre- & Post-Covid. As far as changes to this web site go, you’ll notice that various obsolete food related items (eg. example menus) have disappeared from the menu structure, a few menu options have moved around and there are a number of other subtle changes. To get an idea of the areas impacted, have a look at the site map below which shows a revised menu structure for the site. All the items with a yellow background have been impacted to some degree or other but overall we’ve tried to keep things simple and in many cases you probably won’t even notice anything’s different.

    Site Map

    Map of the Case web site

    As far as post-Covid operations are concerned, in the future regular pub goers should notice more visits from a greater range of mobile food vendors. Please keep an eye on our News page for details of all such food events.

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