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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

  • Brooke Telling CD Launch: 7th Dec 2019

    Posted on November 8, 2019 by in Events

    Brooke Telling is a local Bentley resident and regular performer at the Case Open Mic Nights. She is launching her first CD – an EP containing a collection of songs written by herself and lyricist Sarah Waspe – and will be celebrating this milestone by performing both solo and with her band at the Case on Saturday, 7th of December.

    On the night she will do a 30/45min solo acoustic set including tracks from the EP. Then, after a short break, she will be joined by her band (multi-instrumentalist Matt Barwick and bassist Adam Wright) for a performance of both covers and original material.

    If you would like to listen to Brooke and her band performing ahead of time, you can check out the videos on her YouTube channel, Brooke Telling Music, and find out more about what they are up to on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter also at Brooke Telling Music.

    As an extra treat that night, Dolly’s Pizzas will be serving pizzas from a van in the Case car park. These will be available from 5pm for takeaways. The pub will be opening at 6pm and from then on you will be able to bring your pizzas inside to eat them.

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