Regular group meeting to discuss the books the group are reading and to extend the range of genres and authors they are familiar with. The book group can usually arrange loan books through the county library, so you don’t have to buy every book ! For more information just come along to any meeting.
2828th February 2025●(1 event)
Coffee Morning
10:30 am - 12:00 pm on 28th February 2025
Regular meet up for tea/coffee and chat.
11st March 2025●(1 event)
Games Night
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm on 1st March 2025
Board games can be played any Saturday evening during the winter months, providing there are no other events happening at the pub. Come along and choose from one of our many board games or, if you wish, bring along your own board game.
On the Saturday evening, 8th March, we welcome the return of popular mobile food vendor, Wok n’ Roll. They will be serving their tasty, authentic Chinese noodle cuisine from 5pm to 8pm from their van in the pub car park.
Open Mic Nights are now held on the second Thursday of the month from 8pm. All performers and listeners welcome! PA provided. Bar open from 6pm. If you're a performer, please contact Dave on 07885963882 for more info. OMN
Board games can be played any Saturday evening during the winter months, providing there are no other events happening at the pub. Come along and choose from one of our many board games or, if you wish, bring along your own board game.
Enjoy a two course lunch at the Case for £12 per person. Booking is essential as spaces are very limited. A booking list will be available in the community shop. Start time is 12 for 12:30 food service.
2020th March 2025
2121st March 2025●(1 event)
Coffee Morning
10:30 am - 12:00 pm on 21st March 2025
Regular meet up for tea/coffee and chat.
2222nd March 2025●(1 event)
Games Night
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm on 22nd March 2025
Board games can be played any Saturday evening during the winter months, providing there are no other events happening at the pub. Come along and choose from one of our many board games or, if you wish, bring along your own board game.
Regular group meeting to discuss the books the group are reading and to extend the range of genres and authors they are familiar with. The book group can usually arrange loan books through the county library, so you don’t have to buy every book ! For more information just come along to any meeting.
2828th March 2025●(1 event)
Coffee Morning
10:30 am - 12:00 pm on 28th March 2025
Regular meet up for tea/coffee and chat.
2929th March 2025●(1 event)
Quiz Night
8:00 pm on 29th March 2025
Test your knowledge against our quiz master. £2 entry per person, maximum team size 6. The winning team receives drinks tokens to spend at the pub, the lowest scoring team get a wooden spoon! The quiz will start at 8pm. Bar opens 6pm.