7:30 pm: Book Group
7:30 pm to9:00 pm
Regular meeting to discuss the books the group are reading. For more information just come along to any meeting.
This page contains a series of photos showing how the front of the pub has evolved over the years. Click on a photo for a larger view. If you have any photos of the pub that you think would help to tell its story then please get in touch with us, we’d be delighted to include them.
The outside of the Case shot from the main road looking down Case Lane. This seems to be the earliest shot of the pub available. Apparently taken around the turn of the 20th Century.
An outside shot of the front of the pub showing a close up of the same unusual bay windows as in the previous photo. Apparently taken sometime between 1952 and 1962.
An outside shot of the front of the pub looking similar to the current frontage but without all the front fencing (or the garden room extension). No info on date.
An outside shot of the front of the pub looking very similar to the current pub but without the modern extension. It looks like the front fencing may only just have been fitted. Apparently taken in 2005.
The building essentially as it is now with the garden room extension completed in summer 2006. This photo was taken in 2018.
The latest frontage with the new bay windows (replaced in 2019) and the new wooden benches. This photo was taken in June 2019.
Next Page: The Pub’s name