Call us  01473 805575

The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

What’s On: Regular Events

This page outlines the types of regular events held at the Case. Additional one-off events are covered by our calendars and news items. Click on the section headings below to return calendars showing when the relevant events are scheduled.

Open Mic Nights

These are held on the second Thursday of each month. If you’re a performer or simply a listener, all are welcome.

Quiz Nights

Our monthly Quiz Nights are normally held on the last Saturday of the month (however there may be exceptions where this clashes with other events). Test your knowledge against our quiz master. £2 entry per person, maximum team size 6. The winning team receives drinks tokens to spend at the pub, the lowest scoring team get a wooden spoon!

Coffee Mornings

Starting from January 2024, the Case will be open each Friday morning from 10.30am to 12 noon, when we will be serving tea or coffee and perhaps a biscuit or two. Please come along and join us for a cosy chat.

Craft Group

A knitting and handicrafts group meets at The Case to knit, sew and chat together. Any craft activity, and all levels of skill and experience are welcome. Meetings are normally held on Wednesday evenings but convened at ad-hoc intervals to suit attendees. If you want to find out more, or possibly join the group, please contact the group coordinator at

Book Group

A reading group meets at The Case on the fourth Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm start, to discuss the books they are reading and to extend the range of genres and authors they are familiar with.  The book group can usually arrange loan books through the county library, so you don’t have to buy every book ! For more information just come along to any meeting.

Games Nights

These normally run on Saturday nights during the winter months and have now ended for the 2024/25 winter season. For fans of board games etc, either choose a game from our selection or bring your own. The fun starts when you get there. All are welcome. We typically play games like Articulate, Balderdash, Bananagrams, Logo, Mexican Train, Nostalgia and Yahtzee (to name just a few). If this is your sort of thing, please come along and join in.

Related pages:   What’s On: Overview,   Main Events Calendar,   All News